Tuesday 6 September 2011

Pre-departure preperation

So before I embark on this blog business, I will admit that I am totally new to this. Blogging has never been high on my things to do list. I could even be pulled up for having criticised others in the past for blogging! But alas here I am. Getting all tech savvy before my upcoming AYAD placement in Nepal - which I'm obviously preempting that will provide HEAPS of  interesting things to blog about ;-)

So right now I'm seven weeks out from departure and the preperation is starting to step up. Doc's cleared me for mental health (phew), visa's in the mail, vaccinations are scheduled for Monday (i think they may have to find space between my toes as the vaccination list is so long!), AYAD paper work is nearly complete, property manager knows about plans to vacate apartment, work knows I'm leaving...we're looking good at the moment. The big ticket items still to come are the pre-departure training course in Canberra later this month, getting Jess over from Perth to catchup and say farewell, figuring out what I can't get in Kathmandu and packing accordingly, and organising the send-off party. All very crucial.

My intention is to keep this blog relevant and interesting. I'm hoping it will act as type of diary where i can document events, places, names and also some thougths about what I'm experiencing. I'm also hoping it will help to keep in touch with loved ones as we all know how hard it is to stay in contact with everyone. It would be also nice if this blog comes in handy for others who are going to Nepal so they can find out useful info. Maybe those who have returned from Nepal might also like to comment/participate so to keep some of the their own Nepalese vibe alive. We'll see how we go.


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