Sunday 20 November 2011

Momo making!

What a weekend we just had. Friday night Carole and I 'took it easy' and headed into Thamel for an evening at the Delices de France - a French restaurant run by Christine which is an oasis for any Francophile living in Kathmandu. Christine really knows how to put on an evening and this was no exception with French Gypsy Jazz musician David Givone keeping us company as we chowed down a 3 course set menu. Saturday morning was spent trying to cram in some Nepali before our lesson at 12, and then getting ready for the annual US Army Marine Ball. Now it doesn't get much more over the top than this in KTM. Held at the 5 star Soatee Hotel, 12 year old Scotch constantly poured by one of the many abiding waiters, imported salmon (Nepal is a landlocked country!), speeches by various ambassadors, 400 people talking ex-oat shop, aye aye aye, it was an experience. The partying was great fun though. My stomach muscles were actually sore the next day from giving it so much on the dance floor! So needless to say it was as big night.

I was somehow up bright and early on Sunday morning with the motivation to head into town and buy myself an Indian bicycle. So hangover aside I legged it into KTM central, spent about $70AUD, and then road home on my brand spanking one geared Atlas - I'm sure to use this sucker a heap throughout the year getting too and from work and around town.

The afternoon was then spent at our incredible neighbours house making momo's! Momo's are similar to Chinese dumplings (but better!), and loved by everyone here. They come in vegetarian, chicken, and buffalo meat. Having had our fair share of momo's already, it was first on our list of Nepali foods to learn how to make. So at 2 o'clock we began our first momo making lesson from the best in the business. It was a great afternoon spent huddled together in Prabin's parents kitchen, learning about the different ingredients, laughing at how bad I was at getting the stuffing in the dough, and then consuming way to many of them once they were ready! They were delicious and just remembering them now is making me slightly hungry and has reminded me to make sure Carole doesn't eat all our leftovers which are in the fridge at home! I'll put some more info up about the recipe etc soon.

Once we had digested, we then headed to my boss's house, Rajesh, for dinner and some Nepali wine. It was a wonderful evening and the perfect end to a super weekend.


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